Saturday, February 13, 2010

Staying Sober Can Drive You Drink - Anxiety of Staying Sober is a Killer

Google the word alcoholism and you will receive 25400000 search results. Alcohol addiction and other symptoms of anxiety, depression can reduce the hardest person to a babbling wreck. Fear of alcohol relapse is a real factor in your quest to stay sober. Stop someone on the street and ask what to do with the word "Alcoholism and the answers more than likely have the answers to fall below freezing, detox, down and out, addiction, the life, homelessness, crime, blah Muddledblah blah. Pay a little more attention and do your research and find out if you are at night, a drive of seven drivers on the road are legally drunk. The Medical Research Council, that alcohol abuse costs the South African economy around R9 billion a year and half of all murders are the result of drunkenness. The statistics are endless and cover all aspects of South African society from child abuse to pedestrian deaths, home violence and the tragic circumstances of birthDefects. Almost all the events that you have a bad news probably involved to some degree of alcohol anywhere.

But on the inevitable other side of the coin, studies have found that the consumption of alcohol has significant advantages in the general treatment of stress, heart disease and related illnesses. In addition, the economic advantages are a massive industry's contribution to the nations prosperity and job creation, and we have almost a stalemate.

In this balancing act isthe fate of the individual. Someone once said, and the name is to me now that statistics, more statistics and then there are damned lies. But there is no doubt that this is a problem that needs to be tested at very carefully. The general consensus is that approximately 1 in 17 persons aged 15 years, to the potentially fatal disease are predisposed to alcoholism. Another alarming stat is the premise that only 1 of 37 diagnosed alcoholics always make a full recovery overthe long-term. Food for thought indeed.

A few years ago I went through the examination and fear of acute alcoholism. I was one of the lucky ones. But I survived the grace of God, love and compassion of my loved ones and friends and the skill and diligence of the medical profession. I went to a leading article for Mens Health which included write to my heart because of my spiral into a dark world of despair, desperation and depression.The article itself nothingNew for students of this silent killer disease. Began to drink. more drunk, apologized for the world in general was raging, was drunk and screwed everything dear, approached death, ruined my body and my mind and thank God, finally broke down and went to hospital and dried out. The response to my "Unhappy Hour" article was overwhelming. I was too soon realize that this was an epidemic out of control. I was definitely not alone.

I went to rebuild my self-esteem and self-esteemmy life. A close call that many people do not make out and then have the luxury of sitting and, in retrospect, I now that I sit me congratulate to beat the odds have.So. So now what?

Now be brutally honest, "what now" would be a new phase of my life that require me to bite the bullet again, except this time, this was not going to be solved with a 10-day detox and sleep therapy, some overpriced private hospital. My doctors started saying in my responseBrain. "It's simple Alan, I do not drink more and everything will be alright. Drink, you will die"

That it was in plain English. The only problem was that I have a problem with addressing this concept. Allow me to use the clear. I was 45 years old and you can tell us, I lived there until the 80th 80 minus 45 gives you 35 years. A long, long time in anybodies world. That is a hell of a lot of grilling, weddings, celebrations, bad days, shit bosses, traffic jams, disappointments, closing deals and watching the Boksbeat the All Blacks and Chuck Norris 50 - nil. Maybe the medical guys who has made a mistake. Maybe I was not an alcoholic. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. The time was right to give them. I did not undercut the chance. Eighteen months later fell on a certain day of July in a not so gloomy sunny Margate I wait for a bottle of my favorite hard tack and ended up in the emergency room for a stomach pump. For reasons unknown only to the big man upstairs, I've got it known from the hole. As my relationshipEconomic and health were back on track again, I finally made the decision. My version of mothers milk was separated and this time forever.

I now had, he was a member of a club that nobody wants to join in their right mind. Serving a life sentence in prison without parole. The medical report was now quite certain. Not a drop of alcohol passed my lips. The 6% or so of us who have this gene, it is recommended that no alcohol can be entered on our system in any formwhatsoever. The unnamed and undetectable gene sends us types dilly and as a result, we can not still a few DoPs after work or on weekends in case we go berserk and drink ourselves into an early grave.

Once I had my set that I now find out, as it belongs to serve. I've read that real prisoners talk about "hard and soft time". It was at this time I had an "Oprah" moment. I got it. Regret is too mild a description. I built big shit, and now would have to paynot. Big time. Hospitalization ridden me of my withdrawal symptoms, but now I had to deal with the "Mind Games".

The general public are no doubt familiar with Alcoholics Anonymous and the good work that they do to help these unfortunate people afflicted this potentially fatal disease. Every day is their anthem. Most of us initially served the fight against this forecast to us and truly believe that we are to beat the odds. We begin to think that perhaps they had got it wrong. Perhaps I havecan take a break and start again. Here, the dam came back maybes. Is why for many, starts the so-called fall from the cart and then pick up with itself again. But the terrible truth that "they" more than likely right, and you have a plan to make. Somewhere, sometime, I came across a quote from one of those old guys in the good old days. I think it was the American poet Robert Frost. As he sat in the country he came up with something that for me this whole charge battleAlcoholism --

"Two roads diverged in the woods. I have a less traveled and it made the difference."

The difference is to stay sober, even if it kills you.

After leaving the hospital gradually heal my body. It is urgently needed to. For all those out there who get a few good reasons not to, in the chronic stage of alcoholism and what I like the "last throes" mentioned phase here want to hear is a couple. They are not pretty, but they are reality. Theywill happen, eventually. If you are strong, or just lucky you were an angel when you talk to you survive a day, about it. If not, have a good trip.

This phase lasts a few days, weeks or months, depending on your constitution. It is a descent into the hell do you do to a helpless existence on the edge of a gaping black hole to prevent it. I kid you not. The blood vessels in the eyes began to implode. My legs were uncontrollable and went on a mission for himself. I had no visibleVeins. To this day I can only guess what was the green sauce made from spewing from me. Medically my liver and kidneys almost called it a day. There seemed no difference between sleep and waking. I drifted between paranoia, hallucinations and voices in my ear. The term "Dead Man Walking" definitely springs to mind.

Within a month or so of leaving the hospital my body started to act in it together. Every day I have more and began to look for people. Idiscovered the glory of life. During the last 20 days before my treatment, I had not eaten anything. It was impossible to keep anything. I went back to work and generally lived a normal life. First, I was already occupied by only been my life back in order, but in the time that dreaded word for alcoholism, addiction, reared it ugly head. They creep into your life the most innocent time and can ruin of many good intentions. Coupled with this new threat was a newIdea slowly forming that basically doubts about the fairness of this whole "new normal" for me. Why me? Was there something wrong with me? Unfortunately, these questions have the same meaning as the question of how long is a piece of string? May be afraid of your future and your addiction of the mind and body real threats to your sobriety. The stories of alcohol recovery is statistically possible. Keep a close eye on the desire and the deadly symptoms of anxiety and depression, you canit.

If you sat down with 10 doctors and psychologists will also get 10 different answers as to why some of us are alcoholics and others can get bread drunk from time to time and to continue a normal life. The bad news is that medical science is divided on the answers. It could be a defective gene, it can be hereditary, neurotransmitters in the brain have their wires crossed, or it could be due to a dependent personality. What is a known fact is that there is no simple test todetermine the risk of development of adult alcoholism. The medical guys have a nice expression that says, basically, that you have crossed the border. They will not even know that you approach that line that you cross it oblivious to the fact that you are about to put your life on its head. Realistically, is a subjective call, you eventually sentenced to the implementation of the label "alcoholic" with you for the rest of your life. This demand is mainly due to alcohol consumption, and based on yourgeneral functionality in your daily activities. Not a full system and a proof that has no appeal to the appeal Alkie their life in prison. But in the hands of an experienced practitioner, you can be sure that they have, for all intensive purposes called it right.

Probably it is this uncertainty that leads many of us to question our label and in most cases to chance your arm with a few DoPs. Bad idea guys. It will create the story, if you manage to beat the opportunities. A blindAcceptance of your fate is probably a good start to a permanent "cure". Falling off the wagon is another phrase that we all know. It happens. In fact, the majority of the labeled alki you fall at some point. The trick is to pick up. I have the honor and the pleasure in recent years had been consul and the other "fallen hero" syndrome is never far away from your thoughts.Today I can help you, but tomorrow is a new day.

There are a wide range of support servicesGroups there, which only too happy to have come to the rescue. The well-known AlcoholicsAnonymous there is only for those struggling with this deadly disease to help. And a big plus is the fact that they are free. Between men and women who have beaten this monster Staffed to act, this is a good start in the cleaning of your up to. How many support groups for this disease their special advisers were there, done that and got the T-shirt. Listen to you and they will pull out of the black hole, which can be foundYou in.

After nearly confrontation with your label, we come to the crux of this whole sad scenario. How in the hell I'll never drink again? Four words. IT is not easy. We live in a world surrounded by alcohol. Take a look around. Unlike illegal drugs there is a bottle store on every corner. Hell today, hoek when you pop in your bread and milk net on which you'll confronted by rows of bottles of my favorite poison. Newspapers, TV, radio and magazinesThey bombed the whole time. Smoking has become a no-no but alcohol has crept into our nations psyche. I mean, funded our national sports teams are the giants of the fleet in the industry. Oh look there's Graeme Smith, he's definitely the king of the "castle". In their efforts to find the product they go to great lengths to glamorize life with a sell dop by your side. Our basic socialization teaches us from a very early age that no event is complete without the requisite alcohol. When didThe last time you go to a wedding, the promotion party, simple family braai or simply get-together after work, and you all drunk bottled water. You could probably count them on one hand.

And these are the happy events. What is losing the battle with the woman, the restriction that the death of a loved one, that big thing or just the feeling and the life a misery. Alcohol use and abuse is not a feature of our fast and modern times. To sit and consider that it is no longer part of your life, requires a 360Degree turn in the way of thinking. There is no help try to demonize alcohol. Of course it is probably responsible in one way or another for much of the carnage on our roads, our ridiculously high crime rate and the ever increasing women and child abuse in the new South Africa. But there is another side of the coin. Who can deny that rests a few cold after a bad day at the office of the brain. The warm cozy atmosphere in the family braai so that even Uncle Flip starts nonsensemake logical. The embarrassing companies do when suddenly Mr. Jones from Regional office does not seem such a dog after all. In all these cases, it does not matter that the whole lot you can not string together two sentence. You are relaxed, feeling good and life is not so bad.

In addition to the physical presence of alcohol around you all the time "club members" have their eyes on the back of the head. There are many side effects shows that you can ride on. Days after coming out ofHospital decided my better half Mary out of the goodness of their heart, buy me drink a very expensive vitamin increased. The goal was to get my wasted body back on track. A few days later I began to feel as if I needed a drink badly. In an investigation with my pharmacist I was informed that it contained elements of ethanol. Enough to see to my recently softened brain that this is an old friend was again required. A close call. As a recovering and sober alcoholic theremany cases, if you are tested. Alcohol is a sneaky bastard and will appear in the most unusual places, usually unannounced. Christmas and the restaurant to stay put customers in their much Xmas pudding expected, you must take an active check. Unfortunately, too much vodka, that a. Mouthwash, sports vitamin drinks, low alcohol beer, even some deodorants can request all the brain cells have time and again. It's come very much a case of softly, and to ensure that you are avoidingsmallest amount of alcohol. Modern psychology has developed more or less, that the brain is like a camera and records many of your memories. It is like a computer with 100,000 GB of memory. The memory of your drunken stupors are recorded and are easily activated. So watch it.

Every sober alcoholic has his own work around individual way with the life sentence to be found. I took the middle way to avoid. I buy wine for my better half. I will feel comfortable in small groups ofFriends and family who drink at a social event. I Draw the line at large gatherings. Later that evening, I feel strange and isolated. As the brews flow at the beginning, I feel uneasy. It's just my way. It is working for the individual, what works best. For me, in a world swimming in alcohol, I took the decision to have it around in small doses. A s they say in the classics, whatever floats your boat. Nobody starts with the intention to Alkie and the magical line creepsunannounced to us. Note, however, if you are labeled life takes a definite downturn. It's really best to try and head off that day. You all know when a problem developed. Low alcohol instead you now have to want it. The body and mind now only need to give you a shot at through the day. What started out as a fun way to is the tension and stress, or just to have a good time to act, now a concern. Without it you to a sick camper. Body sweats, nausea, tremors,Confusion and usually a screwed-up constitution are the byproducts of even a few hours of abstinence. Take it from someone who is there, do not go there. Stop it before you wake up one day and suddenly your daily double your master is. Stop it before your every waking moment revolves around the next drink. It happened so fast and the next moment to become a member of the "club" that nobody wants to join. Have fun with your drink, but do not let it your all. Take advantage of the Councilfrom family, friends and work colleagues. You will notice how the film is before you give a problem.

Then again the whole question of how to get treatment is fraught with difficulties. A good starting point would be your family GP Try and choose someone who deals regularly with this type of problem. It really helps to actually, as the individual. Another starting point for touch is a psychologist. I went through numerous psychologists, until I at last, that I felt foundcomfortable with. Alcoholics by the very mysterious nature of her illness are very convincing liar, and spend most of their time in self-denial. Modern research has shown that alcoholism and acute depression co-exist in most cases. The burning question to resolve is "you drink because you are depressed or are depressed because you drink." A difficult thing, but the kind of questions a compassionate and experienced GP and a psychologist can get to grips with. I will never forgetcome from a meeting with a psychiatrist, climbing into the car and proclaiming to Mary that the man was a spinner, which was more than I need help. Sad, but true. In my confusion I had begun to lose the plot.

The range of treatments depend on how long you have been on the slide and the mental and physical condition. From simple counseling, antidepressants, sleep therapy, and if the depression is severe and life threatening, as a last resort treatment of Shock Therapy. But ultimately, theDay will come when you on your own, and it's time to bite the bullet. Total, absolute and never-ending abstinence is the only way to go. Statistically, the probability seen that you are against the opportunities for all intensive purposes, a big fat zero.

Some days are worse than others. The daily usual and normal activities of daily life present you with many occasions on which a few cold seems like the answer. Your film will be followed by an acute phase treatment of alcoholismfinally a distant memory. Try The days, weeks, months and years to stay sober is your new reality. Once again, I would like an old man, who knew well what he was talking to quote. During the dark days of World War II, as was his island, was the ever-growing threat of Nazism, Winston Churchill, who liked to explain by all accounts, the odd dram, threatened,

"When you are through hell, keep going"

Better advice was never given. Fear ofrelapsing and your addiction of alcoholic substances can increase your potential security gap. Add the symptoms of depression and anxiety, you have a lethal combination. Turn your biggest weakness in our greatest strengths. As I said in my article a few years, you're definitely not alone.

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